With so many family affairs, company parties, last minute shopping trips with mobs of people, and stress over whether or not your fudge will turn out this year, we are probably all wondering the same thing. Will my deodorant hold up?
Maybe you still use the store bought stuff that contains not so great stuff. Maybe you've switched to a better brand, maybe you are going a-la-natural. In any case, I have a better solution for you!
Last year I changed from a regular ol' mainstream to the cute little rock in a tube. It worked GREAT!...for about three months, then summer hit. About that time I started using essential oils. I played around with Stress Away, Purification, and Tea Tree. All worked great neat or slightly diluted, however, my overly sensitive skin didn't like having that much concentrated oil in my pits long term.
Fast forward to this month. Nothing is working. The rock has grown stalactites that cut my skin when I use it. The oils irritate me. So I have been using my husbands regular ol' guy deodorant in lue of a better solution. So, I finally bit the bullet and created my own deodorant paste! Goodbye toxic man smelling stuff, goodbye irritation, goodbye scratchy rock, heeeelllooo no more stink!
Get the STINK Out Natural Deodorant:
6 tablespoons Coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cornstarch or arrowroot powder
15-20 drops of essential oils
Place ingredients into a glass jar and stir until combined. (If your coconut oil is super solid, you could warm it up a bit on the stove or in the microwave)
Essential Oil Suggestions:
Gentle Baby- gives it that baby powder scent most women's deodorant has
Purification- get the smell out with the best smell-removing oil!
Shutran- got a stinky man in your life, this is the oil you want for him!
Tea Tree- great oil for skin overall
Lavender- bring a calm smell with you wherever you roam
Happy Oiling,