Friday, June 19, 2015

Cleaning BOMBS!

 Toilets are gross. They are even grosser when you live with four boys. Somehow I always end up cleaning it, and since the baby is crawling around and sticking his hand (read: mouth) on everything these days, I really hate using bleach cleaners he could accidentally ingest.

Previous attempts at homemade toilet cleaners resulted in a not so long lasting fresh toilet. In other words, it got moldy and gross again within days of cleaning. Enter essential oils, and ta-da! The toilet is super easy to clean, STAYS clean for as long (if not longer) than the bleach alternative, AND it's fun to clean the toilet. Yup. You heard me. Dropping a fizzy, floating cleaning bomb in the toilet makes a really disgusting job a bit more enjoyable! Not to mention how much more willing the boys are to help me when they get to drop something in the toilet!

The big boys LOVE helping make our cleaning products. They measure and pour and mix everything up for me, and even press it all into the molds. I make sure to have them stand back as we pour in the borax, as it can be an irritant when breathed. 


We picked Lemon and Orange for our oils this time. I have also done Thieves, Purification and Tea Tree with great success. I would say my favorite is Purification; however, the boys love Orange so they wanted to try it this time. :)

Cleaning Bombs

2 cups Baking Soda
1/4 cup Citric Acid
1 TB Liquid Soap (I like Dr. Bronners)
1/2 TB Vinegar
2 TB Hydrogen Peroxide
20 drops of Essential Oils (Lemon, Purification, Thieves or Tea Tree)

1. Combine first three ingredients in big bowl.
2. SLOWLY add vinegar while mixing, then add hydrogen peroxide the same way (if you add too fast the citric acid will fizz all the fun out before you can drop them in the toilet!).
3. Mix in oils last. If the mixture holds its shape when you press it together, you are done! If not, SLOWLY add drops of water until it does.
4. Press into molds and pop out onto a cookie sheet or counter to air dry over night. Once dry store in a closed jar until ready to use.
5. To use drop one "bomb" into toilet bowl and let sit 10 minutes, then scrub as usual!


~You can use ice cube trays for molds. The "mound" shaped bombs we made with half a large plastic Easter egg! The boys liked those ones the best! You can also use candy molds, a small cup such as a shot glass, or whatever small container you have. Once we even used a recycled egg carton!

Happy oiling, Mandy

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