Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Make Your Home Smell Good... Naturally!

A big part or making your home clean is... lets face it... the smell.  I know when my kids were smaller and now being pregnant its harder to clean as often as I really need to.  But one thing I know I could always do, since I've had my diffuser, is to make my home smell nice.

There are so many uses for essential oils but the way they make my house smell is by FAR my favorite thing.  I always feel like I can turn a rainy day into a sunshiny day just by diffusing some Lemon and Joy essential oils.  That I can throw tea tree oil in my diffuser in the the bathroom and ward off the smell until I have a chance to clean.  Or, now that I'm pregnant, put some oil in the diffuser so I can stand the smell of the kitchen.  There's something about the kitchen when you're pregnant, even if it's clean, that is so unappealing.  Plus, I can do all that with only one or two drops of oil!

When I first purchased my kit, I figured that at the very least, I would have a wonderful smelling home!

Here are some diffusing ideas for your home.  Don't forget - a little oil goes a long way.  I like to start out with only 1-2 drops and move up from there.

Featuring the Home Diffuser
Tea Tree in the Bathroom
Sometimes I can't stand the smell of the bathroom.  Maybe you've got a little boy who dribbles on the floor.  Maybe you're pregnant and all smells bother you.  Maybe you just want to smell a refreshing smell while you shower.  Tea Tree essential oil is the one!!  Just add one or two drops in your diffuser!

Featuring the Bamboo Diffuser

Lavender for the Bedroom
Lavender always smells great for the bedroom.  It kinda sets the mood for a calm atmosphere, which is exactly what most people want in their bedroom.  Just add one to two drops into your diffuser.

Purification for the Kitchen
Featuring the Home Diffuser
Sometimes when you're cleaning up the kitchen it's nice to have a nice clean scent going through the kitchen as well.  I like diffuse 1-2 drops of Purification Essential Oil when I clean up our kitchen!

Featuring the Bamboo Diffuser

Joy and Lemon for Any Room
Joy and Lemon is a combo that really can't be beat.  When it rains here I like to add them to my diffuser.  It makes the house smell like sunshine!  I just add one drop of each in to my diffuser.

As you can see there are so many possibilities to make your home smell fresh and clean as well as like sunshine ;).  I have a lot more combos that I like to use but these ones are my favorite!  If you'd like your own wonderfully smelling home go to our Get Your Oils Here page!

So... What are your favorites?


  1. I tried to comment and it didn't work! Here goes again. I have tto, which I like, but I really love lavender. I also like cedarwood. It smells so fresh!

  2. Yes! I love all those oils too :) I think I just like all of them!
